Make an appointment: +48 856 531 270, +48 856 531 275

Specialistic naprotechnology clinic

Our Clinic specialises in treating marital infertility by using one of the latest, innovative medical achievements, i.e. naprotechnology.

Naprotechnology is a method of diagnosing and treating infertility. The crucial tool is the, so-called, Creighton Model, which is based on very detailed observations of the female body during the natural menstrual cycle.

Adam was born in June, after 17 years of waiting, struggles and efforts by Dr Wasilewski. We thank him and the whole team at NaProMedica. We wish them every success.

Monika, Zbyszek and Adas
Monika, Zbyszek and AdasAugust 2012

I and my husband managed to have the baby that we’ve dreamed of for so long and we want to wholeheartedly thank Dr Wasilewski and the entire NaProMedica team for the 3 months of efforts. Best wishes,

Kasia and Slawek
Kasia and SlawekAugust 2012

Welcome to our Medical Centre!

‘Being a gynaecologist in an infertility clinic means more than just being there as a doctor. Ultrasound examination, clinical examination, hormone testing, an injection… Next patient, please. Working like that we’d never achieve any big success. As a gynaecologist who treats infertility, you have to be a person with a great heart, who works with love, patience and medical professionalism…’

01.01.2016 - Cracow


I wouldn’t be here, if one night I hadn’t heard the words: ‘Trust Jesus!’ I am here to tell you that in the 21st century and me being in my fifties: faith does not hinder science, nor does science stand in the way of faith! They complete each other. God was, is and will be the key!

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